
Welcome from Sr. Raphael
Greetings from SS. Simon & Jude and THANK YOU for visiting our website! For over 70 years our school has resolved to help young people create a love of learning, a heart for service, and a reputation for compassion. You are one of over 4,300 alumni who have graduated from our school and been a part of our longstanding tradition of excellence. I feel honored that so many of our local alums send their children to our school; currently 1 of every 10 students is the child of an alumnus of our school!
Throughout the United States, SSJ alumni have established themselves as caring, giving leaders in their churches, their workplaces and their communities. Your resolve to serve others brings me immense pride. What you have accomplished as alum of SS. Simon & Jude is in large measure responsible for the excellent reputation of our school.
I am so pleased to have the opportunity to visit with many of you at various events throughout the year, especially our annual Fall Festival. I am always energized when I hear of your accomplishments and the significant contributions you are making in our world today.
Remember that no matter where you live, you can remain involved with SSJ by keeping us posted on where you are and what you are doing. Just e-mail us at to keep in touch. You also can stay connected by reading our semi-annual Newsletter ALIVE WITH THE SPIRIT which is published three times each year, or by visiting our website on a regular basis. Activities involving alums will be posted here, especially information on class reunions.
Of course, financial support is always welcome. In fact, the financial contributions of SSJ alumni represent a vital resource for SS. Simon & Jude’s programs and services. If you would like to make a contribution, or have an idea for an innovative gift, please contact Mary Jo Wahlers at 602-242-1299 or click here to visit the online giving area of our website.
Remember – wherever you go and whatever road you may travel, you will always have a home at SS. Simon & Jude.
May God bless you and those you love.
Sr. Raphael Quinn, I.B.V.M.
Sr. Raphael Quinn, I.B.V.M.

Alumni Newsletter
Our Alumni Newsletter – THE SSJ SPIRIT – is published semi-annually for Alumni and Parents of Ss. Simon & Jude School. Here is our latest issue…
Are you receiving our newsletter in the mail?? If not, would you like to?? If so, please just email the Alumni Office at, give us your name and address, and we will be happy to put you on the mailing list!
If you are an alum, we’d love to hear from you…and so would your friends from the good ol’ days! Let us know what you’re up to, what you’re doing. Have you recently graduated? Get married? Have a new baby? Maybe you’ve received an award – or you’re working in a wonderful and interesting career? Please let us know! You can contact us at We’ll include your information in an upcoming issue of the “Alive with the Spirit.”